Monday, December 3, 2012

Winter is Bearing Down on Us...Are You Deficient?

Vitamin D production plummets as winter approaches. From allergies to cancer, vitamin D is crucial in the fight against many illnesses, especially at this time of the year.

Were you ever subjected to a daily dose of Cod Liver Oil when you were younger? BLAH! No, your parents weren’t just torturing you, they were doing what they thought was best for you – and they were on to something! They might have been trying to prevent Rickets, or a host of other illnesses.

Serious Consequences
One of the main constituents of Cod Liver Oil is vitamin D. Vitamin D is an extremely crucial nutriment; vitamin D deficiencies have been linked to a myriad of diseases, here are some of the more common and serious: allergies, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, cancers, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, learning disorders, obesity, osteoporosis, Parkinson’s and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – which brings me to the topic of this blog entry. (It comes full circle!)

Vitamin D is produced in the body with the help of sunlight. Sunlight helps the body convert cholesterol in the skin to the beneficial nutrient. Winter sunlight, in the northern latitudes, is not of sufficient strength to stimulate the body to produce enough vitamin D. Unless you spend an enormous amount of time out-of-doors during the winter months, you probably suffer from a mild case of vitamin D deficiency throughout winter. I spend a lot of time outside during winter pursuing various hobbies such as ice fishing, but to be honest I doubt I am outside enough to maintain adequate levels of vitamin D.

Are you SAD?
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is an ailment that affects up to fifteen million adults in the United States. It is a type of depression that tends to occur as the days grow shorter in the fall and winter. This disorder is believed to develop from inadequate bright light during the winter months and low levels of vitamin D.
Oh great, it’s a double-edged sword! Not only is the decrease in the amount of sunlight a contributing factor for SAD at this time of the year, but also that precious sunlight is not of sufficient strength to produce adequate amounts of vitamin D, another factor in the battle against SAD.

All is not lost, however. A common treatment of SAD specifically is extended exposure to bright artificial lights through the winter months. Another remedy one can apply is the taking of vitamin D supplements. (PLEASE consult your physician before taking any supplements! I am not a doctor – I don’t even play one on TV!) The addition of vitamin D year round can be beneficial in one’s fight against the looooooooong list of diseases mentioned above, but particularly this time of year is crucial if you think you are in need of vitamin D supplements.

We offer a complete line of vitamin D supplements at Hometown Pharmacy, including our own private-label brand. Just ask your local Hometown pharmacist for assistance if you need it!

I am ending this entry with a photo I took this morning. It is sunrise on the Horicon Marsh; it sure is beautiful, but it’s not doing a darn thing for my vitamin D production!