Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Hometown Sharps Disposal Program

Starting earlier this month, Hometown Pharmacies is proud to announce a new sharps disposal program at all of its pharmacies, with the exception of those located in Wausau, Merrill, and Columbia County. Below is a excerpt explaining the program, in detail:

Sharps Disposal Program

Where can I get a sharps container?
·        You can purchase a sharps container from any Hometown Pharmacy, the added bonus is you can return it to any Hometown Pharmacy for free disposal
·        You can purchase a designated sharps container from another business and bring it in to any Hometown Pharmacy for disposal *
·        You can recycle a used laundry detergent bottle or bleach bottle by putting your used sharps in it and then writing the word “Sharps” on the outside in permanent marker and bringing it in to any Hometown Pharmacy for disposal *

What qualifies as a sharps container?
·        A designated sharps container purchased from any Hometown Pharmacy, or a designated sharps container purchased elsewhere
·        An old laundry detergent bottle
·        An old bleach bottle
·        We CANNOT accept sharps in milk jugs or any other type of container

How do I dispose of my full sharps containers?
·        If purchased from any Hometown Pharmacy, simply bring back the full container, with the “Hometown” sticker attached and hand it to any member of the pharmacy staff, we will dispose of it for free
·        If purchased elsewhere, or if it is a recycled laundry detergent or bleach bottle, simply write the word “Sharps” on the outside of the container with a permanent marker and take to any Hometown Pharmacy *

Disposal of Hometown-issued container – with Hometown sticker still intact

Disposal of Hometown-issued container – with Hometown sticker missing

Disposal of non-Hometown issued container (other sharps containers, laundry detergent bottle, bleach bottles)

Hometown 1-gallon container (sticker included)
*Free disposal included

Hometown 2-gallon container (sticker included)
*Free disposal included


If you have sharps disposal needs, be sure to stop in and talk to your local Hometown Pharmacist, they are ready and willing to discuss any questions you might have!


  1. The subject of sharps disposal has been covered intensively by the world press over the past decade. At one stage or another, every man woman or child will be faced with the issue of sharps disposal. Though sharps disposal is a favourite topic of discussion amongst monarchs, presidents and dictators, it is impossible to overestimate its impact on modern thought.

  2. Used needles and other sharps are hazardous to people and pets if not disposed of safely to Medical Sharps Disposal box, because they can injure people and spread infections that cause serious health conditions. The most common infections are:

    Hepatitis B (HBV)
    Hepatitis C (HCV)
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

    Leaders of Restroom Hygiene
